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Influencer choca seguidores ao revelar que sofre de doença terminal

Miroslava Duma surpreendeu seus mais de 1,6 milhão de seguidores no Instagram.

Considerada uma pioneira entre as influencers, ao lado de Chiara Ferragni, a russa Miroslava Duma surpreendeu seus mais de 1,6 milhão de seguidores no Instagram com a notícia de que foi diagnosticada no começo do ano com uma doença pulmonar rara e que, na época, ouviu dos médicos que a atenderam que teria só mais sete meses de vida. As informações são da Glamurama.

“Foi uma loucura e foi assustador, mas, olhando pra trás, consigo perceber que os últimos meses de recuperação foram possivelmente os meses mais felizes da minha vida”, ela escreveu na legenda de uma foto de si mesma que postou na rede social.

Duma começou a se destacar no mundo virtual muito antes da ascensão das blogueiras de moda e, mais tarde, infuencers. Em julho do ano passado, ela já tinha causado espanto quanto encerrou sua conta no Insta sem mais nem menos, apesar de que a relançou dois meses depois. Presença constante nas filas ‘A’ dos principais desfiles de moda do mundo, a fashionista de 34 anos acredita que seu problema de saúde, de certa forma, a estimulou a enxergar a beleza das coisas. 

“Pela primeira vez na minha vida, vi o azul brilhante do céu”, ela explicou no post. “Foram anos de autocrítica e dúvida, estresse, dietas, de esforço físico e emocional, e o resultado foi que meu sistema imunológico entrou em colapso e eu me tornei fatalmente doente”, desabafou. 

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Earlier this year I was diagnosed with a rare lung disease, and given 7 months to live. It was crazy scary then, but looking back, I realise that the past few months of recovery were possibly the happiest months of my entire life. I suddenly stopped running the marathon and realized how much I love life, how beautiful our world is and how much I want to stay here. With the people I love. For the first time in my life, I saw the bright blue of the skies. And the beautiful green of the trees. As if I had lived on a different planet before. I wake up happy, just because I can spend one more day here. Not asking for more or trying to run faster. My entire life I was seeking approval and obsessing over “likes” both in the physical and virtual worlds, without realizing that I actually had to learn how to “like” myself first. Years of self criticism and doubt, stress, dieting, physically, mentally and emotionally pushing and pushing myself got my immune system to collapse and I had made myself fatally sick. I now realise that these past months were also the most creative months of my entire 34 years. Yet success to me today is not measured by external indicators anymore, but by what’s inside. It is measured by my own health, and the health of those I love. It is measured by how I choose to contribute to the world. For the past 2 years, the Universe caused me to experience a number of remarkably serendipitous events that sometimes felt surreal; like how a silly mistake, made by my lawyer, led me to an early diagnosis, and gave me a chance to live. I saw signs everywhere. As if someone was telling me: “don’t give up”. Today I continue to follow my big dream, and genuinely believe it can help save our planet. No matter what. And against all odds. One day I hope I’ll be able to tell you all about it. And most importantly: Thank you to all the wonderful people in my life, I love you with all my heart (and my lungs 🤓).

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